Barleycove is the creation of singer-songwriter, Laura Jones. Described as "modern folk and Americana with tinges of classic rock in the vein of Fleetwood Mac"*, barleycove seeks to merge the sounds of the seventies with the influences of this age. Setting up to gain more listeners with their upcoming EP,'Fairytales’, barleycove believes in the power of music and the healing it can bring. Barleycove was able to work with some very special guests on this new project, including recording the title track with the maestros of the super trio, The Lickerish Quartet (pictured below). 


*Dan Armonaitis of the SHJ & The Escape

You'll Find Your Way (with a Little Help From Your Musical Influences) 

The band, Jellyfish,* was a formidable influence during those awkward teen years for me; not quite sold on grunge and leaving the metal days behind, it was quite a sweet spot.  During quarantine, I decided to see what was on the YouTubes about them. I watched and rewatched many of their live performances and was in awe.  Their live performances were as amazing as the albums...these guys were legends in their own right.  

Another thing I also learned during "The Great Pause"  was that Jellyfish fans leave extremely kind and helpful comments on YouTube.  One fan posted that three of the four members had a new band, called The Lickerish Quartet, and I quickly sought more information.  It was indeed true, and they were releasing 3 EPs, one at a time!  They were also offering "fan experiences", where there were/are a plethora of options to connect with the band.  After a ZOOM chat with THE brilliant yet grounded, Eric Dover, we decided that I would send him a song.  (I could not believe and still can not believe it happened, but it did! ).  I sent him a rough voice memo of a song titled, "You'll Find Your Way", and he sent back a beautiful orchestration that brought me to tears.  

I write this to encourage you to keep going and find your "tribe" that encourages and uplifts you.  Do not be afraid or intimidated to reach out to those that inspire you.  You never know what could happen?!  I am thankful for this "once in a lifetime" experience, and it was definitely a silver lining of 2020.  ~Laura

*To purchase the biography about the band, Jellyfish, titled: Brighter Day:  A Jellyfish Story  by Craig Dorfman, please go to Kool Kat Music


Six Years...Wait, What?!  

Dear family and friends of barleycove,

Yes, it's been six years, almost seven (but does 2020 even count), since we released our last album!  Our second album will be released on January 6, 2021!!  We've overcome some hardships, but really, who hasn't.  Yet, I guess we are a testimony to the magic of music and the importance of the need to be creative.  Barleycove was created with the vision that the players may change, and we had some incredible new players for this album.  

As Dave Chapelle might say, I have a "brittle spirit".  After our first album, I got some feedback from some prominent folks. I was told "age is a's a numbers game".  I was told, "rock and roll is dead". I was disheartened a bit.  Then, I fell, literally, I fell and my elbow and wrist took the blow so that my teeth would stay in tact as I hit the pavement one day.  I was given an x-ray and told nothing was broken, just a sprain.  Well, my arm healed crooked.  I could not straighten it. I was disheartened.  Playing the piano or guitar just didn't feel right and it hurt. I went for further diagnosis, and it turns out my elbow had been broken and healed incorrectly. I was looking at almost a year of physical therapy.  

Fortunately, during these darker days, Edwin McCain and Maia Sharp were offering a songwriting class at the Peace Center. I decided to further delve into the craft and learn from two of my musical heroes.  It kept me going and a community of songwriters developed.  It was there I met L.C. Branch, who really came through to become a dear friend and an integral part of barleycove for this album.  Another talented musician and workshop friend, Lindsay Brazell, lends her vocals to help harmonize. Maia and I continued to meet for classes online through the pandemic, and she also graced her talents to a couple of songs on this album.  These six years turned out to be magnificent from a creative point of view, and also a reminder that the beauty of a messy mosaic may not be seen until the final project is revealed. 

So, in the end, I create because it means I am still alive.  Create in whatever way that makes you feel alive.  For so many of us, music is that part of us that makes us feel alive.  So, even if you can not sing or play an instrument, continue to help music with the gifts you have.  Help your favorite band with fan art, promote the heck out of them on any website you use frequently, tune into their livestream, be a positive troll with those youTube comments, or add your favorite artists to a playlist.  Use your creative fire to help the artists and music you love.  Or finally pick up that guitar, write down that poem, and find a community that will support you to develop your craft.  You are never too old!  

Sending love to all in 2021,


We're Back!  

The only constant in life is change, and we are a living testimony to that!  Add a marriage, a baby, a new band member, and we are barleycove 2.0!!  We are happy to announce that the amazingly talented, Nick Evangelista, has joined the band as of 2015. He studied guitar at the Musician's Institute and was with the band, Signals, in the 80s. Yes, the odds are against us.  We've been told age is a factor.  We've been told rock-and-roll is dead. However, as Wayne Dyer said, "Don't die with your music still in you".   And we'll take that as permission to move forward. 

New Video, "Transit Love" 

Woo hoo!!  It's time to celebrate!  We just released our first video for our first single, "Transit Love"!  Up-and-coming director, Tiffany Weathers, of FireFly Ink took us under her wing to bring the song to life.  Shot in a 90s style reminiscent of MTV's, The Real World, "Transit Love", is all about finding "real love" in this modern day era of emails and text messages.  

We would like to thank all of our dear friends who came out to support us and be apart of our first video.  A big shout-out is due to Lisa and Grey Garland for allowing us to film at Stomping Grounds.  The rest of the video was shot in downtown Greer and Landrum, SC.  

Now, please take a view for yourself and let us know your thoughts:

Tonight's the Night...for 'Release', Our CD Debut Party!! 

Come on out and join us at Stomping Grounds this eve for a delightful evening to celebrate the fruition of what once was a dream! We will have special guests, lots of giveaways, and perform the album in its entirety!  THANK you to all of our friends, family, and fans for your constant support and love!!

CD photography by Hot Eye Photography/ Album artwork by Shannon Kemp

Lights, Camera, Video Shoot Time! 

Shooting the video for our first single, 'Transit Love'.

In preparation of releasing our first LP, we began shooting the video for our first single, "Transit Love," this past Tuesday at the lovely, Stomping Grounds, in Greer, SC.  We are working with up-and-coming director, Tiffany Weathers, of FireFly INK Productions out of Greenville, SC.  She was interested in working with us, and she understood the direction and message of the song.  

A huge thank you to Lisa and Grey Garland for allowing us to shoot at Stomping Grounds, and to all of our friends, new and old, who stood it out with such patience and grace while being filmed.  We truly feel blessed by the support of our community and feel the love for independent musicians trying to pursue their passion. Thanks for believing in us!

'Carolina Now' Appearance 

It was on honor to be on the CW62's show, 'Carolina Now' , this New Year's Eve with uber-talented host, Jamarcus Gaston.  'Carolina Now' is faithful in its support of local artists/musicians and strives to bring independet music to more potential listeners.  We feel blessed and honored to start the new year off in such good company!  

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